6 stage under counter system is designed to meet all drinking and cooking water requirements
The system will provide up to 50 gallons of pure water each day
In addition to the secondary faucet at the sink, the system can be connected to a refrigerator for ice and water dispensing, an under counter ice machine, a hot water dispensing system, or all 4 points of use
The patented single molded manifolds with three housings to reduce potential leak points and make the system more efficient
The clear sediment 1st stage filter gives an indication of how dirty the water can get over months of water production
Antimicrobial water contact components are designed to eliminate the growth of bacteria that may be present in the water supply
Water after an RO membrane can have a low pH level when certain minerals are removed. The alkaline re-mineralization cartridge raises the pH of the water to improve taste
Examples of contaminants removed are chlorine, flouride, arsenic, aluminum, barium cadmium, chlorides, chromium, lead, mercury, and viruses
The first 5 cartridges are replaced annually, while the 6th remineralization membrane is replaced every 3 years